AusGroup Security has a professional network of qualified Test & Tag technicians located throughout Sydney and Regional NSW. You can be assured a friendly AusGroup Security technician can service your test and tag requirements.
NSW WHS regulations specify 6 monthly testing and tagging of appliances in Manufacturing and Workshop environments, whilst portable electrical appliances in hostile environments in other business and government sectors require 12 monthly testing.
Your AusGroup Security technician can also test your RCD (Safety Switch). Operating time testing of your RCD is also required by NSW WHS regulations on a regular basis and ATS recommend annual trip time testing in accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010.
Fire safety services are also provided by AusGroup Security in NSW with our technicians completing fire extinguisher inspection and testing services including hydrants and hose reels inspection and testing as well as the inspection and testing of your Exit and Emergency lighting systems on a 6 monthly basis.
Don’t risk it! Use a qualified and trustworthy Test & Tag technician such as AusGroup Security.