“Is your child being evasive, spending a lot of time away from home and being reluctant to account for it”?

During a child’s journey to adulthood, they will encounter many experiences and meet many people dealing in drugs, alcohol, shoplifting and the list goes on.

We’ve all seen the scenes in movies where teens party hard and have fun all thanks to drugs & alcohol. If the movie portrayals are to be believed, drugs & alcohol add to the life of the party and turn everyone into best friends. It is a rosy picture and many teens see it as ideal. But there is a darker side, a side less explored by Hollywood. Drugs & alcohol are addictive.

We also know the tremendous affect teenagers have on each other. Teenagers are always dared to show off their courage to their peers. And we all know that under such pressure, our children don’t usually do “the right thing”. We all know how giggles occur in and out of school. Notes are passed from one to another. In some cases the children are forward and conversation on advanced matters take place. They sometimes results in after school meetings that have dreadful effects on all the children concerned. We’ve all heard stories or even been through such situations. They seldom end in a nice way.

As soon as you suspect any concerning behaviour with your teenager, we can offer you our professional services. Early interception of a problem is very crucial especially when teenagers are in a dangerous turning point in their lives.

At AusGroup Security, we can give you that peace of mind and will confirm your child’s every move.