If you are in a family who has one of these addictions, AusGroup Security, can assist you by providing the evidence you know exists and which the addicted person constantly denies.
People use drugs and alcohol for many reasons. Some use it to relax, have fun, get high, be part of a group, or merely out of curiosity. Other individuals use drugs and alcohol to cope or to escape from physical and or emotional pain. Drugs and alcohol have different physical and psychological side-effects depending on the substance in use.
Drugs and alcohol may cause harmful effects such as the individual becoming physically and or psychologically dependent upon it.
An individual is dependent on drugs and alcohol when he or she is unable to control the use of a drug despite the negative effects it may have on their life. They may not be aware that they are addicted to a drug and alcohol until they try to stop using it.
Using drugs may cause personal, financial, occupational, legal, social, physical or mental health problems. It not only affects the person himself, but as well all those around him.
Contact AusGroup Security, before it’s too late. A well planned private investigation will make a difference and turn someone’s life around.